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Foods you should eat to help your skin type

Foods you should eat to help your skin type As much as we love our makeup and skincare, we know that beauty truly starts from within. Sure, you can cover up your blemishes or enhance your feature with products that prove to work miracles, but

You have to exercise by playing Pilates

You have to exercise by playing Pilates. When it comes to exercise in this era, it is undeniable that many people are starting to pay more attention to their health. Even though they have to work every day, they turn to the gym or set

What is belly fat?

What is belly fat? Belly fat is fat that accumulates in the body. Because it is not completely burned off. It sticks between the abdominal muscles and the organs in the abdominal cavity, causing a pot-bellied appearance. Which is consider a dangerous point because

8 benefits of prunes that girls must try.

Prunes, which ones, plums, even though they have different names? But it’s the same type of fruit. Ah…don’t get confused, prunes are dried plums. As for any fruit, it’s the name that Chinese people call plums. Prunes, small, colorful fruits, are well known for their

Are we washing our hair the wrong way?

Did you know that washing your hair the wrong way can cause unexpected damage to your hair, such as hair loss and unclean hair? No matter how much I wash, my hair still feels greasy. Including scalp problems caused by using shampoo or washing your